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Version: v0.2.0

Azure Service Bus Message Pump

Azure Service Bus Message Pump will perform all the plumbing that is required for processing queues & topics:

  • Manage message pump lifecycle
  • Deserialize messages into concrete types
  • Interpret message to provide correlation & context information
  • Provide exception handling
  • Provide telemetry

As a user, the only thing you have to do is focus on processing messages, not how to get them.

You can do this by creating a message handler which implements from IAzureServiceBusMessageHandler<TMessage> (or IMessageHandler<TMessage, MessageContext>).

Here is an example of a message handler that expects messages of type Order:

using Arcus.Messaging.Abstractions;
using Arcus.Messaging.Pumps.ServiceBus;

public class OrdersMessageHandler : IAzureServiceBusMessageHandler<Order>
private readonly ILogger _logger;

public OrdersMessageHandler(ILogger<OrdersMessageHandler> logger)
_logger = logger;

public async Task ProcessMessageAsync(
Order orderMessage,
AzureServiceBusMessageContext messageContext,
MessageCorrelationInfo correlationInfo,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_logger.LogInformation("Processing order {OrderId} for {OrderAmount} units of {OrderArticle} bought by {CustomerFirstName} {CustomerLastName}", orderMessage.Id, orderMessage.Amount, orderMessage.ArticleNumber, orderMessage.Customer.FirstName, orderMessage.Customer.LastName);

// Custom logic

_logger.LogInformation("Order {OrderId} processed", orderMessage.Id);

or with using the more general IMessageHandler<>, that will use the more general MessageContext instead of the one specific for Azure Service Bus.

using Arcus.Messaging.Abstractions;
using Arcus.Messaging.Pumps.Abstractions;

public class OrdersMessageHandler : IMessageHandler<Order>
private readonly ILogger _logger;

public OrdersMessageHandler(ILogger<OrdersMessageHandler> logger)
_logger = logger;

public async Task ProcessMessageAsync(
Order orderMessage,
MessageContext messageContext,
MessageCorrelationInfo correlationInfo,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_logger.LogInformation("Processing order {OrderId} for {OrderAmount} units of {OrderArticle} bought by {CustomerFirstName} {CustomerLastName}", orderMessage.Id, orderMessage.Amount, orderMessage.ArticleNumber, orderMessage.Customer.FirstName, orderMessage.Customer.LastName);

// Custom logic

_logger.LogInformation("Order {OrderId} processed", orderMessage.Id);


Once the message handler is created, you can very easily configure it:

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add Service Bus Queue message pump and use OrdersMessageHandler to process the messages
// ISecretProvider will be used to lookup the connection string scoped to the queue for secret ARCUS_SERVICEBUS_ORDERS_CONNECTIONSTRING
.WithServiceBusMessageHandler<OrdersMessageHandler, Order>();

// Add Service Bus Topic message pump and use OrdersMessageHandler to process the messages on the 'My-Subscription-Name' subscription
// ISecretProvider will be used to lookup the connection string scoped to the queue for secret ARCUS_SERVICEBUS_ORDERS_CONNECTIONSTRING
services.AddServiceBusTopicMessagePump("My-Subscription-Name", "ARCUS_SERVICEBUS_ORDERS_CONNECTIONSTRING")
.WithServiceBusMessageHandler<OrdersMessageHandler, Order>();

// Note, that only a single call to the `.WithServiceBusMessageHandler` has to be made when the handler should be used across message pumps.

In this example, we are using the Azure Service Bus message pump to process a queue and a topic and use the connection string stored in the ARCUS_SERVICEBUS_ORDERS_CONNECTIONSTRING connection string.

We support connection strings that are scoped on the Service Bus namespace and entity allowing you to choose the required security model for your applications. If you are using namespace-scoped connection strings you'll have to pass your queue/topic name as well.

Customized Configuration

Next to that, we provide a variety of overloads to allow you to:

  • Specify the name of the queue/topic
  • Only provide a prefix for the topic subscription, so each topic message pump is handling messages on separate subscriptions
  • Configure how the message pump should work (ie. max concurrent calls & auto delete)
  • Read the connection string from the configuration (although we highly recommend using the Arcus secret store instead)
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Specify the name of the Service Bus Queue:

// Specify the name of the Service Bus Topic, and provide a name for the Topic subscription:

// Specify a topic subscription prefix instead of a name to separate topic message pumps.

options =>
// Indicate whether or not messages should be automatically marked as completed
// if no exceptions occurred and processing has finished (default: true).
options.AutoComplete = true;

// The amount of concurrent calls to process messages
// (default: null, leading to the defaults of the Azure Service Bus SDK message handler options).
options.MaxConcurrentCalls = 5;

// The unique identifier for this background job to distinguish
// this job instance in a multi-instance deployment (default: guid).
options.JobId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

// Indicate whether or not a new Azure Service Bus Topic subscription should be created/deleted
// when the message pump starts/stops (default: CreateOnStart & DeleteOnStop).
options.TopicSubscription = TopicSubscription.CreateOnStart | TopicSubscription.DeleteOnStop;

options =>
// Indicate whether or not messages should be automatically marked as completed
// if no exceptions occurred and processing has finished (default: true).
options.AutoComplete = true;

// The amount of concurrent calls to process messages
// (default: null, leading to the defaults of the Azure Service Bus SDK message handler options).
options.MaxConcurrentCalls = 5;

// The unique identifier for this background job to distinguish
// this job instance in a multi-instance deployment (default: guid).
options.JobId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

// Multiple message handlers can be added to the services, based on the message type (ex. 'Order', 'Customer'...),
// the correct message handler will be selected.
services.WithServiceBusMessageHandler<OrdersMessageHandler, Order>()
.WithMessageHandler<CustomerMessageHandler, Customer>();


To retrieve the correlation information of Azure Service Bus messages, we provide an extension that wraps all correlation information.

using Arcus.Messaging.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus;

Message message = ...

MessageCorrelationInfo correlationInfo = message.GetCorrelationInfo();

// Unique identifier that indicates an attempt to process a given message.
string cycleId = correlationInfo.CycleId;

// Unique identifier that relates different requests together.
string transactionId = correlationInfo.TransactionId;

// Unique identifier that distinguishes the request.
string operationId = correlationInfo.OperationId;

Want to get started easy? Use our templates!

We provide templates to get started easily:

  • Azure Service Bus Queue Worker Template (docs)
  • Azure Service Bus Topic Worker Template (docs)

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